Women's Pelvic Health
We provide a holistic and integrated approach to pelvic health care to meet your individual goals.
We provide you with all of the tools, guidance, and support along your journey to optimal pelvic health.
Take a look below at the conditions treated and evidence based services offered at GC pelvic health.
Pregnancy and Postnatal facts:
Pelvic Girdle Pain affects up to 40% of pregnant women
More than 50% of women experience back pain during pregnancy
One third of pregnant women describe their pain as debilitating and the main cause of cessation of work early
But… Pelvic Girdle Pain is NOT a normal ache of pregnancy
1 in 3 women who have had a baby suffer leakage with daily activities, exercise and a cough/sneeze or laughing
Research shows that professionally prescribed pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy and throughout the postnatal period prevent bladder leakage.
Did you know that prescribed pelvic floor exercises after birth assist reducing swelling and increasing circulation in the pelvic floor area after birth?
Did you know that up to 85% of women have some sorts of perineal strain during vaginal delivery?
Problems during pregnancy can often negatively impact on this joyful time and problem post birth can also be all highly distressing and impact on the bonding between mum and bub and your motherhood and womanhood.
Our services are customized to sensitively meet the specific needs of each woman. I work compassionately and collaboratively with your throughout your journey of pregnancy and rebuild and recovery.
Pregnancy and Postnatal care
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is the descent of one or more of the anterior (front) vaginal wall, posterior (back) vaginal wall, the uterus/cervix or the apex of the vagina (after a hysterectomy).
It is estimated that 1 in 3 women are affected to the degree that the vaginal bulge extends either equal to or beyond the vaginal opening.
POP can be very distressing for many women as the symptoms of POP can significantly impact upon a Woman's quality of life, body image, intimacy and exercise goals.
The detrimental side effects of POP can have long lasting effects and affect Women's overall health including emotional well being and physical health outcomes.
There are differing causes for the development of a POP including a weak or poor functioning pelvic floor, but the ligament support of the organs and fascial supports can also deteriorate with age, having carried babies, birthed babies, occupation, genetics, exercise and chronic constipation or straining with emptying bowels and/or bladder.
Did you know that there are non-surgical approaches to Prolapse management ?
Pelvic organ prolapse symptoms can be very upsetting and difficult to understand.
Our services are customized to meet the specific needs of each individual prolapse problem. Wework collaboratively and holistically throughout your journey to improving these symptoms and guarantee measurable results.
Pelvic organ prolapse
Bladder problems like
Stress urinary incontinence (leaking with a cough, sneeze or exercise)
Urge urinary incontinence (Leaking on way to the toilet)
Nocturia (going to the toilet a lot over night)
Mixed urinary incontinence (combination of the above symptoms)
Overactive bladder-dry/wet
Frequency and urgency (needing to go to the toilet often or frequently)
Voiding dysfunction (bladder emptying problems)
Bladder pain syndromes such as Interstitial cystitis
Bladder problems can be all highly distressing and difficult to find answers for.
Our services are customized to meet the specific needs of each individual and complex bladder problem. We work collaboratively and holistically throughout your journey to continence and self management and guarantee measurable results.
Bladder incontinence
Bowels Problems such as
Fecal incontinence
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) like Crohn's disease or Ulcerative Colitis
Obstructive defecation (can’t empty bowels completely)
Rectal prolapse
Hemorrhoids and fissures
Pelvic floor dyssynergia
laxative use
Obstetric anal sphincter injuries
Bowel problems can be all highly distressing and difficult to find answers for.
Our services are customized to meet the specific needs of each individual bowel problem. We work collaboratively and holistically throughout your journey to a happy bowel and guarantee measurable results.
Bowel problems
Persistent Pelvic Pain problems such as
lower abdominal pain
hip and low back pain
pelvic pain associated with intercourse
Dysmenorrhea (painful periods)
Pelvic Pain is "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that is unique to each woman". Pain is complex and requires the help from a skilled therapist to help you to articulate your pain, understand your pain and live the best life you deserve.